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  • R, Yolken, R, Wyatt, L, Mata, J, Urrutia, B, García y al et Chanock R. (1978, ). Secretory antibody directed against rotavirus in human milk – measurement by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assa J Pediatr 93, 6: 916-921. [Más]


  • S, Amato, A, Simhon, R, Yolken y L, Mata. (1977, ). El ensayo inmunosorbente enzima conjugada (ELISA) en el diagnóstico de rotavirus Rev Med Hosp Nac Niños 12, 2: 73-78. [Más]
  • J, Crosa, J, Olarte, L, Mata, L, Luttropp y M, Peñaranda. (1977, ). Characterization of a R-Plasmid associated with Ampicillin resistance in Shigella dysenteriae type 1 Isolated from Epidemics Antimicrob Agents Chemother 11, 3: 553-558. [Más]
  • F, Hernández, L, Mata, C, Lizano y E, Mohs. (1977, ). Prevalencia estacional de rotavirus y descripción de una epidemia de diarrea por este agente en Costa Rica Acta Med Costarric 20, 4: 297-304. [Más]
  • F, Hernández, L, Mata, M, López y C, Lizano. (1977, ). Rotavirus en niños con desnutrición severa Bol Med Hosp Inf (México): 993-1000. [Más]
  • L, Mata. (1977, ). Environmental determinants and origins of malnutrition Suskind R.M. Malnutrition and the Immune Response. New York :Raven Press: 9-19 [Más]
  • L, Mata y E, Villatoro. (1977, ). Umbilical Cord Immunoglobulins and Fetal maturity: Neonates in a Guatemalan Indian village Suskind R.M (editor). Malnutrition and the Immune Response. New York :Raven Press: 201-203. [Más]
  • L, Mata, R, Kromal, J, Urrutia y B, García. (1977, ). Effect of infection on food intake and the nutriotional state: perspectives as viewed from the village Am J Clin Nutr 30, 8: 1215-1227 [Más]
  • L, Mata, C, Lizano, F, Hernández, L, Herrero, E, Mohs y T, Fukuoka. (1977, ). Agentes infecciosos en la diarrea del niño hospitalizado: Costa Rica Bol Med Hosp Inf (México): 955-969. [Más]
  • L, Mata, E, Mohs y F, Hernández. "Los virus de las diarreas". México : Hosp Inf México, 1977. 105-112. [Más]
  • L, Mata. (1977, ). Not just the lack of food World Health: 25-29. [Más]
  • L, Mata, J, Urrutia y E, Mohs. (1977, ). Public health implications of low birth weight Arch Latinoamer Nutr 27, 1: 78-100 [Más]
  • L, Mata, J, Urrutia, G, Serrato, E, Mohs y T, Chin. (1977, ). Viral Infections during pregnancy and in early life Am J Clin Nutr 30, 11: 1834-1842 [Más]
  • L, Mata y E, Villatoro. (1977, ). Infections and infectious diseases in a malnourished population: a long-term prospective field study Hambraeus L, Hanson L.A, McFarlane H (editores). Food and Immunology. Stockholm, Suecia: Almqvist and Wiksell Int: 42-57 [Más]


  • L, Mata. (1976, ). La etiología viral de las diarreas. En Enfermedades diarreicas en el niño 2 ed. México: Hospital infantil de México 13, 1: 85-89. [Más]
  • L, Mata, E, Carl y A, McGregor. (1976, ). The environment of the Malnourished Child 7, 1976: 45-56. [Más]
  • L, Mata, R, Kronmal, B, García, W, Butler, J, Urrutia y S, Murillo. (1976, ). Breast-feeding, weaning and the diarrhoeal síndrome in a Guatemalan Indian villaje. En Acute diarrhea in childhood Elsevier 1, 42: 311-338 [Más]
  • L, Mata, E, Mohs, C, Albartazzi y R, Gutiérrez. (1976, ). Consideraciones sobre la desnutrición en Centro América, con especial referencia a Costa Rica Revista Biología Tropical 24, 1: 25-39. [Más]
  • M, Penaranda y L, Mata. (1976, ). Transfer of Ampicillin resistance from Shigella Dysenterle type 1 to Escherichia Coli The Lancet 308, 2: 154 [Más]
  • R, Stickney, I, Geghin, J, Urrutia, L, Mata, P, Arenales y J, Habicht. (1976, ). Systems analysis in nutrition and health planning: approximate model relating birth weight and age to risk of deficient growth Arch Latinoamer Nutr 27, 1: 177-201. [Más]
  • J, Urrutia, B, García, R, Bressani y L, Mata. "Report of the maize fortification project in Guatemala". Washington D.C : AID, 1976. 22-68. [Más]
  • L, Mata, R, Kronmal, J, Urrutia y B, García. (1976, ). Antenatal events and postnatal growth and survival of children in a rural Guatemalan village Ann Hum Biol 3, 4: 303-315. [Más]
  • L, Mata y E, Mohs. (1976, ). Cambios culturales y nutricionales en Costa Rica Boletín médico del Hospital Infantil 33, 3: 579-593. [Más]


  • E, Caparelli y L, Mata. (1975, ). Microflora of maize prepared as tortillas Appl Microbiol 29, 6: 802-806. [Más] [Versión digital]
  • K, Hales D., H, Klaus M., L, Mata, R, Sosa y J, Urrutia. (1975, ). The effect of early skin to skin contacto n maternal behavoir at twelve hours Ped Res 9: 259. [Más]
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